In Dry Dock

Jim Nyce


Leaving the corporate world after 35 years and moving to Cushing, Maine has allowed me

to seriously concentrate on my photography which was previously always relegated to the

edges of my life. I have thousands of images to harvest, many from summers in Maine; and

I now have time both for new explorations with my camera, and for building some discipline

and new skills in digital editing and printing.


The world around us is 360 degrees of totally immersive color, form, and motion; in a

constant state of change. My camera sees only little frozen rectangles of that visual

cacophony. But far from that being a liability, it enables me to really focus and seek out the

“choice bits of the world – fixed fragments which for me represent beauty, mystery, and/or

wonder that could easily otherwise pass by unnoticed. I'm fascinated by breaking the bonds

of context, serendipitous design, color relationships, visual layers, and textural elements which

can transcend the two-dimensional nature of my images. For me, photography is a powerful

tool for my continuing discovery of beauty in apparently mundane and unremarkable fragments

of the world.

In the past several years I have been fortunate to have my work shown in 7 different galleries in Maine,

providing the best possible excuse for continuing to do new work! Check back — I continue to add to this
